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Active School Flag
The Active School Flag (ASF) is a Department of Education and Skills initiative awarded to schools that strive to achieve a physically educated and physically active school community. The process aims to get more schools, more active, more often. Our pupils, staff and parents are committed to making activity and exercise a fun and everyday way of life in our school. We have been enjoying our active flag journey and our active flag committees have been leading us in many initiatives to keep us healthy and active.
To learn more about the Active School Flag Initiative, visit their website
Why get active?
Did you know that four out of five children in the Republic of Ireland are still not getting enough exercise, posing serious risks to their health and well-being? Being active helps release chemicals in your brain (endorphins), which have a positive effect on your mood, not to mention the benefits to your heart, lungs, muscles and bones. Getting out and being active is also a great way to manage stress.
10 Health Benefits: Physical activity helps a child to…
• Improve agility, balance and co-ordination.
• Feel more energised
• Reduce feelings of stress, anxiety and depression.
• Burn and generate more energy.
• Improve their physical and mental wellbeing.
• Maintain healthy weight.
• Improve concentration.
• Improve self-esteem and helps them feel good about themselves.
• Develop friendships.
Schools wishing to achieve the ASF begin the process by self-evaluating their current provision across 3 areas: Physical Education, Physical Activity and Partnerships. Schools must also organise an Active School Week programme and commit to having it as part of their annual school calendar. Schools that can say ‘yes’ to all of the ASF success criteria will be awarded with the active flag. The flag remains valid for a period of 3 years after which time schools will be invited to re-apply.
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