Confirmation 2020 - Message from Fr Conal

Parochial House. July 13th 2020
Dear Parent (s) and Guardian(s) St Angela’s,
We hope you are keeping well and that you and your families have been coping well over the last few months. I am pleased to be able to tell you that our 223 children will receive the Sacrament of Confirmation in August. Indeed this will be a very different Confirmation Ceremony to what we have been used to in the past. We will be having eight ceremonies and the Archbishop will preside at just one of those ceremonies. I will be presiding at the remainder. Also, traditionally the schools organised the preparations for and on the day and due to our present restrictions this will not be the case this year. Music, Readings and Prayers will be provided by the Parish. Even though it will not be the same as in other years we look forward with the same enthusiasm to this special day in your family’s life. Here are some guidelines and information for your safety and attention:
• To comply with Government guidelines and restrictions on social distancing each family will be restricted to three people, i.e. the confirmation candidate and parents or one parent and one other adult.
• A parent will act as Sponsor for their child.
• Each family unit of three will be allocated a seat. Families will gather outside in the church carpark in the designated 2m distanced spaces and will be guided into the Church by Stewards.
• Upon entry to the Church you will be asked to sanitize your hands before being ushered to your seat.
• Please follow the directions of the Stewards and Ushers.
• The wearing of masks is strongly recommended.
• Once you take your seat movement around the Church will not be possible.
• Unfortunately the taking of photographs in the Church before, during and after the ceremony will not be permitted.
• No toilet facilities will be available.
• If your child was baptised in Ballyheane, Breaffy or Church of the Holy Rosary we do not need a Baptism Certificate. If your child was baptised elsewhere please bring a copy of the Baptism Cert with you, if you can. If this is not possible please let us know on the day of Confirmation.
We realise these restrictions may cause difficulties for some families and we thank you for your understanding and co-operation. For your family members unable to attend, the Ceremony can be viewed on our parish webcam and parish radio 105.3fm.
If you have any queries you can email Mary Connell on: Please do not contact the parish office.
Thank you all for your cooperation and patience,
Looking forward to celebrating your child’s Confirmation,
Yours sincerely,
Fr Conal Eustace PP