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Wellbeing week in st Angela's

The staff chose this week as an ideal week to pause and focus on wellbeing and so they have worked together to come up with learning experiences that promote and centre on wellbeing for the three days next week with less of an emphasis on the traditional written activities.

As you know we have been selected to take part in the Creative Schools and Creative Cluster project. The staff is committed to bringing the children the widest range of opportunities even during this lockdown and we had a lovely Art for Wellbeing morning last Thursday. If we were at school this term we would have enjoyed many extra-curricular fun activities and we hope yesterday’s activities and those suggested for next week will bring an air of fun and creativity in a different way and remind the children of the happy times at school together.

It’s hard to believe that thisweek is the midterm break -Thursday and Friday, 18th and 19th. It is really important to take that break – switch off and close all devices and forget school work.

It has been a very tough five weeks in many ways and we are living under the shadow of this virus for nearly a year now. A break will do every family the world of good.

We encourage everyone to get as much fresh air as they can to lift their spirits.


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