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Fourth Class Scientists

This term Fourth Class has been chosen to take part in an interesting and exciting project with four scientists from UCD, in Dublin!

Usually UCD does this project with schools close to the university in Dublin, but this year, because of the pandemic and remote learning they were able to open up the opportunity to schools a bit further away. Luckily we were one of only four classes in the whole country chosen!

We have been meeting our four scientists, Deeba, Jack, Lisa and Shane, once a week in a Zoom call to talk about science and to try out some different experiments.

We have looked at how science affects everything in the world, and how we can use it to answer questions that we have. We have talked about what scientists do (and look like), how scientists think about problems and how to solve them, and that when they do experiments they make predictions about what could happen. Sometimes these experiments might not always answer the question, but might make you think of even more questions!

So far we have investigated:

What happens when we mix oil and water? Will it be different if we add some washing up liquid?

What happens to an egg in water? What would happen if we add salt to the water?

What happens when we mix baking soda and vinegar together?

The girls have come up with brilliant questions about these experiments and the world around us, and have been doing a great job and coming up with possible answers too! We have some future scientists among us!


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